Diversity Dashboard FOMO

Posted on June 18, 2018

We don’t want anyone to have Diversity Dashboard FOMO (fear of missing out)…

ELGL will soon release the first iteration of the Diversity Dashboard. Over the last two months, the Research Coordinators have been curating contact lists, sending out surveys, and following up with communities that have not completed the survey yet.
When the data is released, it will be in a really cool, malleable OpenGov dashboard format so you can either click on some pre-formatted reports or create your own reports.
The individual names and contact information of the chief administrative officers (CAOs) and assistant CAOs will not be included in the report; survey responses will only be shared by locality.
What does this mean for your local government? A few things:

  1. If your organization hasn’t completed the survey, it will be viewable and searchable – by your staff, your community members, the local press.
  2. While it’s entirely possible that the survey link didn’t make it into the right hands, or there wasn’t organizational awareness of the project, the lack of participation sends a message about how/if your organization values diversity.
  3. It’s not too late! OpenGov has made it really easy for us to upload data from the surveys into the dashboard. We’ll be adding responses up until the dashboard is released, and after it’s public. This means you can still complete the survey to ensure your organization’s inclusion.

Here’s the survey link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DDELGL

  • A key question you might ask is how you can know if your local government has completed the survey. With more than 2,000 organizations it’s prohibitive to cut and paste the list into this post. But! We’re here to help – send Lauren an email and she can look up your community for you. Or even better: here’s a sample email you send to your CAO to check in and see if they completed the survey already:

ELGL is going to launch the interactive Diversity Dashboard on the gender, race, age, and veteran status of all local government chief administrative officers and assistant chief administrative officers. If you haven’t filled out the survey yet, please click here to do so. If you have filled it out – thank you! It means a lot that you value diversity in local government and have already included our agency’s data in the dashboard.

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