Diversity Dashboard Research Managers

Posted on January 5, 2018

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Diversity Dashboard Research Managers oversee the data collection efforts and provide guidance, direction, and quality checks for the Research Coordinators. This is also an opportunity for the Research Managers to get real-world personnel management experience. The Research Managers are in charge of hiring, managing, evaluating, and coordinating the work of the Research Coordinators.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”green” border_width=”3″][meettheteam_vc user_id=”0″ picture_option=”0″ user_picture=”248753″ picture_effects=”mtt-picture-effect-shadow” picture_size=”200″ picture_border_radius=”999″ name=”Libby Seguin” name_color=”#6daf36″ title=”Research Manager” title_color=”#000000″ location=”Chapel Hill, NC” location_color=”#000000″ layout_theme=”0″]Twitter | LinkedIn
Current job title & organization/school
Project Manager – UNC Chapel Hill MPA Candidate
If you were a professional baseball player, what would your on-deck song be? Why?
Sorry Not Sorry by Demi Lovato – Just like the title says. You have to dance when you hear the song!
Why is the Diversity Dashboard project important to local government?
There is nothing like Diversity Dashboard out there. This is monumental and vital if we want our local governments to work better and be better by acknowledging their missteps in diversity practices. We need to back up our assumptions and frustrations of lack of diversity with data. On top of the data collection, we are bringing people together to discuss this issue and hearing diverse stories and perspectives.
What’s the best book you’ve read in the past year?
Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates[/meettheteam_vc][vc_separator color=”green” border_width=”3″][meettheteam_vc user_id=”0″ picture_option=”0″ user_picture=”248752″ picture_effects=”mtt-picture-effect-shadow” picture_size=”200″ picture_border_radius=”999″ name=”Lauren Stott” name_color=”#6daf36″ title=”Research Manager” title_color=”#000000″ location=”Boston, MA” location_color=”#000000″ layout_theme=”0″]Twitter | LinkedIn
Current job title & organization/school
Emerson College Civic Media MA/Emerson Engagement Lab
If you were a professional baseball player, what would your on-deck song be? Why?
I love this question because I think about it all. the. time. Music is one of my biggest motivators and I use it really strategically while I’m working. I have probably a dozen possible on-deck songs, but the one speaking to me right now is Golden Age by TV on the Radio. It’s high energy and has a great message – let’s embrace the possibilities for good things on the horizon.
Why is the Diversity Dashboard project important to local government?
A growing data set on diversity in leadership truly has the potential to revolutionize local government. It is the first step in transforming effective representation in municipalities throughout the U.S. This project is a big undertaking–lots of work is being done to set up the data collection process and infrastructure, but the versatility of the data and the varieties of use are more than worth the effort it will require.
What’s the best book you’ve read in the past year?
Smart Cities by Anthony Townsend[/meettheteam_vc][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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