ELGL Central Oregon hosted a special forum on Tuesday with Eric King, Bend city manager and Gary Allis, Tauranga, New Zealand. The two discussed the ICMA Exchange Program and took on the famous ELGL Lightning Round.
Gary Allis, Group Manager Engineering Services, Western Bay of Plenty,Tauranga New Zealand
Favorite book of all-time:
Gary Allis (GA): Steps to the Top, Zig Zigler
Eric King (EK): The Lost Continent,” by Bill Bryson
Book that is on your nightstand right now:
GA: The Winner, David Baldacci
EK: The Given Day, by Dennis Lehane
(Fill in the blank) When you wake up in the morning, you are motivated by………
GA: fine weather so I can go kayak fishing before work
EK: the bright Central Oregon sunshine
If you ran for elected office, what position would you run for?
GA: Minister of Sport and Recreation
EK: State Treasurer
Your best piece of career advice:
GA: Maintain a good work life balance, family is more important than career, and enjoy the journey
EK: Own your mistakes
Your favorite social media outlet:
GA: Facebook
EK: Facebook
Which actor/actress would play you in a movie?
GA: Preferably an actor, Bill Murray
EK: Edward Norton
What is the home page on your web browser?
GA: Google
EK: AOL Newsfeed
Biggest issue facing local government:
GA: In NZ central government focus on local government efficiency and effectiveness
EK: 1) Fair taxing structure with more local control and 2) Community acceptance of the need to re-invest in infrastructure.
Two things that people will say about you at your retirement party:
GA: He had fun and enjoyed his work, he knew what he was doing (and when he didn’t he relied on experience, instinct and faking it)
EK: 1) Good follow through, and 2) well organized, multi-tasker
First concert that you ever attended:
GA: Barry McGuire, late 1970’s
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZ_JH2oYQxM&w=560&h=315]
EK: Van Halen
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4OY-bxjaNU&w=420&h=315]
Name three of your mentors:
GA: My wife Pam, my friend Peter Robinson, Glenn Snelgrove my current CEO
EK: My father-in Law, my wife, and my best friend from College
Who is at the dinner table if you could invite any three people (dead or alive)?
GA: My wife, Zig Zigler, Nelson Mandela
EK: My wife, son, and daughter
(Fill in the blank) Government….
GA: alive and kicking
EK: the best structure for community building, which is essential to sustaining humanity.
(Fill in the blank) ELGL is ……..
GA: a great initiative
EK: the reminder that we need to push ourselves in becoming more relevant to the next generation of leaders
Previous Lightning Round Profiles
- Sue Ryan, City of Canby
- David Snider, City of Sandy
- Amanda Lamb, City of San Diego, CA
- Elisa Hamblin, City of Portland
- Norma Alley, City of Newberg
- Mary Beth Henry, City of Portland
- Debbie Matheney, Eugene School District
- Jessica Struyk, City of Gresham
- Petra Schuetz, City of Coburg
- Rhyan Van Horn, TriMet
- Mark Stotik, Clackamas County
- Heidi Starks, West Slope Water District
- Teri Bankhead, City of Milwaukie
- Anthony Petchel, Bank of the Cascades
- Pat Mobley, Portland State University
- Ashley Graff, University of Kansas
- Eric Chambers, City of Gresham