ELGL Connects Launches “Who’s Who in Local Government”

Posted on July 25, 2018

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ELGL Connects Launches “Who’s Who in Local Government”


Gain the Expertise of More than 400 Government Professionals from 20 States.

We’re launching a new engagement website, “ELGL Connects” in the coming months. One of the first features will be “Who’s Who in Local Government.” The feature will be the most comprehensive, interactive directory for government professionals.

For the “Who’s Who” feature, ELGL members will be allowed to submit an updated resume, cover letter, references, and work products. Non-members can participate but can only submit a resume.

What’s In It For Me?

download (1)You’re gaining the expertise of more than 400 members from 20 states. ELGL has members from every function of the government arena from attorneys to bankers to interns to managers. Here are three practical examples for how the “Who’s Who” tool can be used.

Example 1

Let’s say you’re tasked with hiring a public affairs firm to complete a citizen survey. You will be able to look through member profiles for others who have worked on a similar project. You will be able to use this information to contact other members for advice on public affairs firms, advice on crafting the RFP, or ideas for survey questions.

Example 2

Your organization is hiring a city manager. You can look through the member profiles for potential candidates and for those who may know of potential candidates. You also can ask other members for job descriptions, engaging interview questions, or effective assessment centers.

Example 3

You’re looking for a job after graduating with an MPA or you’re looking to change jobs. ELGL will compile all the member profiles (you can opt out) into an electronic Resume Book. The book will be provided to executive search firms, local governments, and private sector firms in the local government arena. Link: Resume Book I and II.

How Do Submit My Profile for the Resume Book?

download (2)Update your professional profile – resume, cover letter, and references.

Compile your top five work products into pdf files.

Provide your submissions via email to Ben Kittelson, ben@sarahhellems.wpengine.com, by Monday, May 5.

Wait for future announcements about ELGL Connects.

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