ELGL Member Question: Costing for Public Safety Services

Posted on August 10, 2014

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One of our ELGL members has a question about costing for public safety services for community events – and wants YOUR feedback (yes, YOU):

Question: Does your local government have an intergovernmental agreement or ordinance related to charging community groups for police and/or fire services? If so, what is the agreement? Do different groups receive different rates, or is it handled on a case-by-case basis? Do any events receive donated services by your municipality?

Two examples:

1. The local high school pays a flat fee to have police officers present at football games.

2. A civic group pays to have police and fire at their annual summer bash in the park.

What does your organization do?  Send an email to info@sarahhellems.wpengine.com or use the form below to share your ideas.

[contact-form to=’bridget@sarahhellems.wpengine.com’ subject=’Feedback from question re: costing for public services’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’/][contact-field label=’Your Feedback’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

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