This is the first in a multi-part series about preparing to present at a professional conference. This series will look at the steps that go into session planning, and include drafts of our presentation in advance of our January 30, 2014 presentation at the SGR organizational development conference in Dallas, Texas.
When ELGL friend and mentor Ron Holifield asked ELGL to take part in Strategic Government Resources (SGR) first-ever Organizational Development (OD) conference, the answer was a resounding “yes.” Ron and the SGR team have been on board with ELGL’s vision for local government professionalism and next generation leadership development from the start.
The conference is scheduled for January 29-31 in Dallas, Texas. The conference theme is: Creating a Learning Organization: Leading-Edge Strategies for Employee Development
ELGL was asked to present on ways to develop emerging leaders in local government organizations. We quickly decided that the best approach would include Kent Wyatt and Kirsten Wyatt (representing Gen X) as well as Ben Kittelson (representing the Millennials). Our initial thought process was to include perspectives from both generations that will bear the burden of impending baby boomer retirements.
We have three clear goals for ELGL’s participation in the SGR conference:
1. Present our clear and concise vision for developing emerging local government leaders;
2. Raise the profile of ELGL to local government professionals in the TX and OK markets; and
3. Have fun!
With these goals in mind, we begin the next steps of putting our presentation together as a trio. This will mean combining our expectations, ideas, and discussion points into one clear and cohesive presentation.
SGR has also extended to ELGL the opportunity to co-host a reception at the conference for emerging leaders. We are working on a theme for this event that introduces our organization in a fun and clever way. Any suggestions? Please share them in the comments.
Lastly, to close this post – the first takeaway from ELGL’s participation in SGR conference planning is how professional and well run the SGR organization is. Already, we are excited to meet Krisa, Crystal, and the rest of the planning committee that has so graciously welcomed ELGL and facilitated a great conference planning effort. ELGL is taking notes, and will be copying many of their approaches and communications for #ELGL14.
Next week: an update on the Kirsten-Kent-Ben “mind meld” as we begin putting together our presnetation outline.