With a handful of spots remaining for #ELGL14, we are excited to announce another benefit for #ELGL14 attendees. This year we are launching the “Rapid Resume Review.” You will have the opportunity to have your resume reviewed by Strategic Government Resources, which is one of the largest executive recruitment firms in the nation.
Participating in the Resume Review
1. Register for #ELGL14. Less than 15 spots remain.
2. Update your resume.
3. Send the most current version of your resume to Kent Wyatt, kent@sarahhellems.wpengine.com; or drop off your resume to Ron Holifield at #ELGL14.
4. SGR staff will review your resume.
5. SGR staff will schedule a phone call with you to offer input on strengthening your resume.
Background Check on SGR
SGR exists to help local governments be more successful by Recruiting, Assessing, and Developing Innovative, Collaborative, Authentic Leaders. SGR has over 300 local government clients in 41 states.
SGR’s free, weekly 10 in 10 Update on Leadership and Innovation has over 77,000 subscribers in all 50 states. Each week, CEO Ron Holifield reviews over 350 articles, stories, and videos through the lens of a city manager, choosing the top ten that local government leaders will find interesting and worth spending ten minutes to review.