If you want to learn how to be the most effective at the bargaining table, check out the session on Costing a Bargaining Unit Contract with the Local Government Personnel Institute.
Steven Schuback, Labor Relations Attorney, LGPI
Bio: Steven has been an attorney for over 18 years and has been practicing labor and employment law since 2002. He has handled countless labor relations cases, including complex terminations, contract interpretations, disciplinary proceedings at all levels, officer-involved shootings, and grievances. Steven has experience in Oregon and Washington states and has worked with over 60 different counties, cities, unions, guilds and associations. He has litigated employment matters such as unit clarification petitions and unfair labor practices before the Oregon Employment Relations Board and the Washington Public Employees Relations Board.
Book you are currently reading: ORS
Brandi Leos, Human Resources Analyst, LGPI
Bio: Brandi serves as an HR and labor relations analyst, assisting local governments with collective bargaining, general human resources, and classification/compensation issues. Brandi is experienced in collective bargaining support, point factor job analysis, and detailed compensation analysis according to the PECBA.
First paying job: McDonald’s Clerk
Soundtrack of your life: Sweet Home Alabama
Book you are currently reading: Black Lake
Anything else: 5-time Hood to Coast runner
MODERATOR: David Donaldson, Vice President for Human Resources, Woodland Park Zoo
Bio: Animals, People, Fun
First paying job: Unloading trucks at department store distribution center in Cincinnati
Soundtrack of your life: Cities, Talking Heads
Book you are currently reading: Start with Why, Simon Sinek
Anything else: Go Ducks