#ELGL14 Speaker Bios: Finding Your Next Government Job

Posted on September 19, 2014

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Ron Holifield, President, Strategic Government Resources


I serve as primary visionary and leadership provocateur at SGR. My job is to challenge, inspire and motivate our team to change the world by helping thought leading local governments Recruit, Assess and Develop Innovative, Collaborative and Authentic Leaders.

First paying job:

Mowing Lawns

Soundtrack of your life:

I Did It My Way, Frank Sinatra

Book you are currently reading:facepalm-y-u-no-remember-golden-rule

Blue Ocean Strategy

Anything else:

I really and truly believe in and try to walk the talk of the golden rule!

INTRODUCTION: Ben McCready, Assistant to the City Manager, Rock Island, IL



The most rewarding things are never easy, thus I’ve learned to appreciate the lost art of patience and compromise. Everyday I get to help change what the public expects from local government by demonstrating our ability to innovate and adapt. As local government professionals we face similar challenges delivering similar services, yet each solution we craft is something uniquely shaped by the communities we serve.

First paying job:

Assistant to the City Manager, City of Rock Island, IL

Soundtrack of your life:

On Top of the World, Imagine DragonsTwitter_logo_blue

Book you are currently reading:

The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else

Anything else:

Follow me on Twitter! @BenMcCready1


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