#ELGL17: There’s An App For That

Posted on May 4, 2017


Download the #ELGL17 Conference App

The countdown to #ELGL17 is on and we can’t wait to see everyone in Detroit! If this is your first time attending ELGL’s annual conference you’ll notice a lot of things about #ELGL17 will be different than your “normal” government conference. For starters, #ELGL17 is an interactive event where using a mobile device is highly encouraged. That’s right, Tweet, Post, and Snap to your hearts content! You’ll be able to connect with fellow conference attendees before, during, and after the conference using a variety of social media platforms. Having a mobile device handy will only enhance your #ELGL17 experience.

Not too savvy when it comes to the realm of emoticons and social media? No problem! You spoke and we listened. Based on attendee feedback, we’re bringing the mobile app back. The conference app put’s everything you need to know about #ELGL17 at your fingertips. Where to eat? Check. What session to attend? Check. Directions to social events? Check. If it has anything to do with #ELGL17, we’ve got the app for that.

The Conference App

We’ve created a conference application for your use on a mobile device (smartphone or tablet). Using this app, you can review the conference schedule, meet our sponsors, read updates from the event, find a map of the conference grounds, and upload an official #ELGL17 selfie or favorite photos from throughout the day.

I love apps! How do I access it?!
Click here to access the GuideBook app on your device. From this page, you can send yourself a text with a link to download the app. Once you have Guidebook on your device (Phone or Tablet) you’ll be able to access the #ELGL17 mobile without additional steps.

I’ve downloaded the app – what’s next?!
You can expect to receive more info before #ELGL17, but until then spend some time reviewing the conference agenda and getting excited about the cool speakers, interesting topics, tours, and interactive sessions we have in store.  You can also search for #ELGL17 on Twitter to keep up with conference chatter.

What can I expect when I arrive at #ELGL17?
We knew we didn’t want to inundate attendees with reams of paper, either before or at the conference.  That’s why we’ve relied on email, social media, and ELGL.org to communicate about the conference so far.  So when you arrive at the conference, you won’t be handed a packet of materials. What can we say, we’re all about sustainability!

Get the #ELGL17 App!

The conference committee’s goal for #ELGL17 is to continue providing a conference experience that will allow you to learn; expand your local government network; and have a transformative experience.  We look forward to sharing in the #ELGL17 experience with you![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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