#ELGL17 sponsor and all-in member Bang the Table provides the latest resources on citizen engagement. Learn more by contacting Matt Crozier – matt@bangthetable.com or Casey Earp – casey@bangthetable.com.
Case Studies
Resilient Together: As part of the 100 Resilient Cities network, the City of Boulder uses EngagementHQ to educate citizens on resiliency and gather ideas on how the city can be resilient itself.
Aspen Community Voice: With many land use and planning issues, citizens on Aspen Community Voice can offer input on both current concerns and projects guiding the future development of the city.
Plan Gowanus: The New York City Planning Department has deployed EngagementHQ for a neighborhood plan in Gowanus, a neighborhood in Brooklyn. Citizens use our Places tool to give highly visual and interactive input.
Let’s Talk: Let’s Talk Niagara Falls is a comprehensive website that covers many of the city’s initiatives in one easy-to-use site. Citizens submit their thoughts on specific projects or general concerns
Have You Say Hopewell: Hopewell Township in New Jersey is using EngagementHQ to halt the advance of the invasive Emerald Ash Borer species. Citizens use our Places tool to mark local ash trees.
It’s Our City: The City of Fort Collins is updating its city plan to guide the next 20 years of development. They are currently using an array of three of our tools to collect input: Polls, Ideas, and Q&A.
Podcasts & Webinars
Listen to Bang the Table CEO, Matthew Crozier, share his insights and best practices for community engagement.
GovLove podcast: Citizen Engagement with Matthew Crozier
Online Community Engagement: 4 Part Webinar Series