Code for America Summit

MayMay 29 2019

All day Oakland Marriott City Center

1001 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94607

ELGL at CFA2018

RSVP for #CfASummit!

The Code for America Summit is a 3-day event that brings together over 1,300 public servants, advocates, entrepreneurs, technologists, and civic volunteers to tackle some of government’s biggest challenges in the digital age. Our goal: a government that effectively and equitably serves all Americans. Where services are simple, beautiful, and easy to use; outcomes are measurably better, and better costs less.

  • Discover current challenges, opportunities, and big wins in digital government, at the local, state and federal level.
  • Learn, collaborate, and share through workshops, mainstage speakers, breakout sessions, and convenings.
  • Connect with others who care about government transformation and expand your networks.

#CfASummit website

#CfASummit registration

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