How to: Reddit

SepSeptember 15 2021

11:00am - 12:00pm

Whispir Series Reddit

Only two social platforms showed a significant increase in usage by Americans since 2019—YouTube and Reddit. While it’s far behind other players in terms of its number of users, those who do spend time on Reddit turn to it often for news and local information. In this session, we’ll talk about how to show up authentically on Reddit. We’ll tackle some common lingo, too, and before you know it you’ll be collecting karma like nobody’s business!

Wednesday, September 15, 2021
11am PT / 12pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET

Register to Attend

Sophie McGinley, Assistant Planner, City of Eugene

Jeff Petry, City of Eugene, Parking Manager/ Director of Administration AIC
Jeff Petry is the acting Director of Administration and Parking Manager in the City of Eugene’s Planning & Development Department. He is known as an innovator and community trust builder. He has utilized the City’s parking program to develop a smart city base, while creating a warm and fuzzy parking program that weaves art and technology into the community fabric. His proudest accomplishment is leading volunteer teams to create a choose your own path video game to help homeless youth find resources in the community. Jeff holds degrees from Oberlin College and the University of Wyoming in Environmental Economics.
Twitter: @EugeneParking
Reddit: u/EugeneParking

About the Series

There’s a lot more to the internet than Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram—and if you aren’t there, you’re missing out! Join us each week for a look at ways to connect with residents in the broader social media landscape. This series is brought to you by ELGL in partnership with Whispir.

In our first session, we’ll take a look at the broader social media landscape and social media trends in 2021. After that, each week we’ll get up close and personal with a different platform—what it is, how it works, and what segments of the public use it. You’ll hear from practitioners who have successfully used it in their local government communication strategy.

Pick and choose those that interest you, or attend the whole series. Attend three or more and you’ll receive a digital certificate to recognize your learning.

Can’t make it live? Register to get a copy of the recording sent to you automatically.

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