Three Norsemen of the Datapocalypse Webinar
JunJune 25 2019
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Free webinar
Tuesday, June 25, 2019, Noon PDT
Registration required
Learn how the award-winning Village of Buffalo Grove, IL team uses their work and asset management data to improve everything from snow and ice control to daily vehicle checks. They’ll share how data is used to drive decision-making across the village and the importance of driving change at your own organization—even when viewed as apocalyptic.
Save your free webinar spot now and learn how to:
- Successfully navigate the path of data discomfort
- Improve your approach to change management
- Elevate your game with data collection and automations
Presented by the Three Buffalo Grove Norsemen:
- Steve Fritz, management analyst
- Tom Milas, forestry manager
- Mike Skibbe, deputy director of public works