Virtual #ELGLInspire
10:00am - 3:30pm

This year, many of our planned #ELGLInspire events were cancelled due to COVID. So we’re bringing the program online! Log on to learn from specific speakers, or join us for the full event. Every speaker will be recorded and the videos available online. Please connect with the speakers on LinkedIn and Twitter to grow your local government network.
Virtual #ELGLInspire
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. PT
Please RSVP for this online event
Quickfire Presentations: 10:15 – 2:30
These are fast-paced, 5-7 minute presentations about the challenges and opportunities in each sector of local government. Speakers are selected to represent the wide variety of jobs with a city, county, or district
- 10:15 – Ryan Piche, County Manager, Lewis County, NY – LinkedIn
- 10:30 – Sarah Medary, City Manager, Eugene, OR – Twitter
- 10:45 – Denise Reynolds Katula, Leadership and Talent Development, Somerset County, NJ – LinkedIn & Twitter
- 11:00 – Erin Donovan Owen, Strategy & Performance, Greater Cincinnati Water Works
- 11:15 – Hillary Ostlund, Library, Hillsboro, OR – LinkedIn & Twitter
- 11:30 – Terrance Smith, Innovation, Mobile, AL – LinkedIn & Twitter
- 11:45 – Break
- 12:00 – Rafael Baptista, Economic Development, Raleigh, NC – LinkedIn & Twitter
- 12:15 – Linda Smith, Community Engagement, Park City, UT – LinkedIn & Twitter
- 12:30 – Greg Preece, HR, Oakland, CA – LinkedIn
- 12:45 – Break
- 1:00 – Weston Davis, Emergency Medical Services, Director, El Campo, TX – LinkedIn & Twitter
- 1:15 – AJ Fawver, Planning & Community Development, Verdunity – LinkedIn & Twitter
- 1:30 – Alison Rhodes, Parks & Recreation, Boulder, CO – LinkedIn & Twitter
- 1:45 – Zach Navin, Public Works, Columbus, WI – LinkedIn & Twitter
- 2:00 – Kristine Hulse Day, Assistant City Manager, Beaumont, CA
- 2:15 – Mo Young, Equity and Access Coordinator, Lane County, OR
What’s Next? Pursuing Public Service Jobs & Internships: 2:30 – 3:30
This moderated session includes panelist discussions on career paths and degree options, as well as the chance for audience questions. Panelists include younger career local government practitioners and HR staff.
- Moderator: Jen Teal, Novak Consulting Group/Raftelis – LinkedIn & Twitter
- Sam Kelly Quattrocchi, Finance Analyst, Springfield, OR – LinkedIn
- Kate Hayes, ICMA Fellow, Transylvania County, NC – LinkedIn
- Alyssa Dinberg, Management Analyst, Boulder, CO – LinkedIn & Twitter
- Ben McCready, Assistant City Administrator, Geneva, IL – LinkedIn & Twitter