Webinar: Prepare Your Government to Take Advantage of the American Rescue Plan
10:00am - 11:00am

This live webinar is presented by OpenGov.
Thursday, April 22nd | 10AM PT / 1PM ET
As cities and counties eagerly await guidance on allowable uses of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) and specifically the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (CSLFRF), the urgency and size of these funds highlights that early planning and action are needed now to prepare local governments for the first tranche in mid-May.
Attend this webinar to learn how leading cities and counties can streamline and enhance public engagement, reporting, planning, and the digital grant application process to help manage local ARP pass-through programs in your community.
Join leaders from Middlesex County, NJ and OpenGov experts to discuss the ARP opportunity, how local governments can best prepare for ARP funds, and see how Middlesex County plans to leverage OpenGov to take advantage of the ARP.