Webinar: Short Term Rentals – The Good, the Bad, & the Effective

JanJanuary 13 2021

11:00am - 12:00pm

short term rentals AMA

The Good, The Bad, and The Effective:
Ask Us Anything About Short Term Rentals and Government

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

11 PT/Noon MT/1 CT/2 ET

Free event, but registration required

Short-term vacation rental use has only grown during the pandemic, and how to approach this market has only gotten more challenging over time.

This Ask Me Anything session is the perfect time to share your questions about short-term vacation rental (STR) ordinance updates, enforcement strategies, and the changing STR landscape.

You’ll be able to bounce your questions and ideas off two respected subject matter experts: urban planner Jeffrey Goodman, and public policy expert Alex Marqusee from the City of Oakland, CA.

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