Webinar: You Got the Money! Administering Federal & State Grants & Loans
11:30am - 12:30pm

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Webinar: You got the money! Administering federal and state grants and loans
Whew. You Got the Money! Now the Real Work Begins: Successfully administering federal and state grants and loans
Administering grants – and even most loans – with in-house staff and capacity is possible, but it takes some effort, planning, and commitment. Join us for an overview of the challenges and benefits you should consider before deciding whether or not to administer grants and loans in-house or contract these services to an outside firm.
After the learning, hear from ELGL member Laura Hardwicke, Grants Coordinator for the Metropolitan Nashville Planning Department, about real-world experiences administering a variety of grants and awards.
This webinar is part of ELGL’s Money Talks series for 2019.