Galentine’s Day Playlist – 2020

Posted on February 5, 2020

Galentine's Day

ELGL member Meredith Hauck created a Galentine’s Day playlist for you to listen to as you get ready for the big day on February 13, 2020.

Listen to the 2020 Galentine’s Day playlist.

Not familiar with Galentine’s Day? Here’s an excerpt from a 2017 Atlantic article:

“…Galentine’s Day acknowledged a broad truth about American life as it’s lived in the early 21st century: Friendships, increasingly, are playing an organizing role in society. Long conceived as side dishes to the main feast—marriage, kids, the nuclear family above all—friendships, more and more, are helping to define people’s sense of themselves in the world.

During a time of emergent adulthood and geographic mobility, friendships are lending stability—and meaning—to people’s, and especially young people’s, lives. The deepest friendships are operating not to replace the family unit, certainly, but to complement it.”

What songs would you add to the 2020 Galentine’s Day playlist? Send Meredith a tweet with your suggestions!

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