Note: GOVQ is a digital government advice column curated by ProudCity CEO Luke Fretwell. Tweet your questions with the hashtag #GOVQ or email luke@proudcity.com, and we’ll answer them here.
Digital is increasingly becoming a fundamental aspect of government services.
Residents, businesses and visitors want immediate access to information they need and easy ways to report issues, make payments, find jobs, submit permit applications and all the many ways we engage with government.
In 2015, Accenture found that 86 percent of those surveyed “want to maintain or increase their digital interaction with government” and 73 percent are “neutral” or “not satisfied” with current digital government services.
GOVQ aims to eliminate this disparity.
To help with this, each week I’ll research, get expert opinions, find the best resources and synopsize one question from the ELGL community so that we can all begin to learn best how to execute better digital government on a larger scale.
So, let’s get started.
Have questions about digital government? Tweet them with the hashtag #GOVQ or email luke@proudcity.com, and we’ll answer them here.
Go ahead, ask me.
Luke Fretwell is co-founder and CEO of ProudCity, and the founder of GovFresh. Connect with him on Twitter and LinkedIn.