Guest Buzzer Intro: Mary Beth Henry

Posted on February 12, 2013


I’m Mary Beth Henry your guest buzzer for Valentine’s Day. I’m the manager of the Office for Community Technology at the City of Portland and the Staff Director of the Mt. Hood Cable Regulatory Commission (

I’ve always believed that our role as local government officials is to bring the proper amount of the future into the present. I feel blessed by the opportunities I’ve had working in local government to be a change agent, to grow intellectually and to work with incredible people.

I’ve focused on promoting community interests in communications at the local, state and national levels. Like the introduction of electricity, broadband internet is revolutionizing the world in which we live. Broadband has the potential to transform our communities. It has become a necessity vital to economic growth and livability in cities of all sizes. That’s why we developed a local Broadband Strategic Plan.

I see cities as laboratories for experimentation in the public interest. I look forward to continuing to help connect us to a better future.


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