Hashtags & Events
We use a lot of #Hashtags, host many signature events, and discuss a diverse array of topics. Below is a running list of what some of the lingo means.
- #13Percent - A hashtag used to discuss diversity topics within local government. Only 13% of City Managers and City Administrator roles are held by women.
- #BigLocalGovBaller - A hashtag used to describe the amazing people of local government.
- #CityHallSelfie - An international celebration of local government. Everyone is encouraged to snap a picture outside of a government building on August 15 and use the hashtag.
- #DiversityDashboard - The first ever data collection on the gender, race, age, and veteran status of local government chief administrative officers and assistant chief administrative officers.
- #ELGLJam - A hashtag used to discuss the Jam of the Month Webinars.
- #ELGK - Stands for Engaging Local Government Karaoke, some of our members love karaoke.
- #ELGLInspire - Campus programs to inspire undergraduates to pursue local gov careers.
- #ELGLMorningBuzz - A hashtag used to discuss Morning Buzz topics.
- #ELGLPopups - Small one day conferences held in multiple cities across the US. In 2018 the conferences will be held on October 12 in Portland, Los Angeles, Milwaukee and Miami.
- #ELGLRoadshow - Similar to popup conferences, these events are unique one day conferences set-up in different areas of the country.
- #ELGLSupperClubs - Casual meetups to eat a meal and talk about local government topics and trends. Hosted in various regions throughout the country.
- #ELGLTakeoverTuesday - When a person or city gets to take over the ELGL Instagram for the day!
- #ELGL16 - The main ELGL annual conference. Took place in October 2016 in Portland/Troutdale, Oregon.
- #ELGL17 - The main ELGL annual conference. Took place in May 2017 Detroit, Michigan.
- #ELGL18 - The main ELGL annual conference. Took place in May 2018 Golden, Colorado.
- #ELGL19 - This year's main ELGL annual conference. Scheduled to take place on May 16-17, 2019 in Durham, North Carolina.
- #GovLove - GovLove is a podcast about local government, brought to you by ELGL. This is the hashtag used to discuss the GovLove podcast.
- #LocalGov - A hashtag for discussion about general local government.
- #NDOSC - A hashtag for the National Day of Supper Clubbing Event held in cities across the US on February 6.
- #RockTheSocks - A hashtag used when photographing yourself in the world famous ELGL socks (Work Hard, Be Kind).
- Haverford Award - An ELGL annual award given to companies and partners of local government.
- Traeger Award - An ELGL annual award given to the Top 100 influential government leaders.
- #Walktoberfest - An October Walking challenge for ELGL. First launched October 1, 2018.
Sites and Accounts:
- @ELGLNetwork - The Facebook group for ELGL.
- @ELGL50 - The main twitter account for ELGL. This also shares a name with the ELGL Instagram account.
- @GovLovePodcast - A podcast about local government, brought to you by ELGL.
- @CalELGL - The California (sometimes Hawaii) specific ELGL twitter handle.
- @ELGLSconnie - The Wisconsin specific ELGL twitter handle.
- @MidwestELGL - The Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota specific ELGL twitter handle.
- @MountainELGL - The Colorado, Montana, Utah and Wyoming specific ELGL twitter handle.
- @NEELGL - The Connecticut, Delaware, DC, Maryland, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and West Virginia specific ELGL twitter handle
- @NWELGL - The Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington specific twitter handle.
- @OhioELGL - The Ohio specific ELGL twitter handle.
- @SEELGL - The Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia specific ELGL twitter handle.
- @SWELGL - The Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas (sometimes Hawaii) specific ELGL twitter handle.