Have you ever been asked what you do for work and had to quickly think through how do I explain this in way that makes sense? Have you ever sat and asked yourself, what do I actually do for work!?
If so, join the club! Many of us that have worked in analyst roles know this feeling all too well. Particularly in local government we know the role “Management Analyst” and “Assistant To” can look many different ways within city organizations! Yet we know this is the strength of local government and what makes our work fun! It is quite fun to be able to say with your job everyday is truly different and you don’t always know what to expect.
Please help us as we try and build out the first ever Analyst Academy the day before our Annual Conference! ELGL will be hosting this Academy in partnership with some all stars from the City of Scottsdale. Help us build out this one day Academy. Should it be technical or should we focus more on people skills or do we do a little bit of both?
We want this experience to be shaped by those that live in this role everyday.
Register here for our Local Gov Analyst Academy Brainstorming Session!