ELGL is co-hosting the hottest social event at #ICMA16 in Kansas City, MO – the Sunday evening BBQ Mix & Mingle. No one likes to attend an event when they don’t know anyone else attending, so ELGL is publishing daily “I Love BBQ” profiles of our registered attendees to give you a sneak peek and preview of your fellow local government BBQ aficionados. Learn more about the creative and innovative local government leaders you’ll meet at this ICMA mixer:
Kirsten Silveira
City of Baltimore, MD Budget Management Analyst
Twitter | LinkedIn
When I think of Kansas City, I think about…The closest big City to KU, where I got my MPA. Rock Chalk.
The biggest issue facing local government is… Resilience. We have to stop protecting outdated processes by saying “this is how we’ve always done it” or fear of becoming obsolete if a process changes. When individuals move on or retire, the organization must have the tools it needs to continue serving the community. Neglecting to create a culture of institutional knowledge and failing to review processes in light of new technology and best practices is a major issue facing my organization and, I’d imagine, many others.
My pro tip for getting the most out of professional conferences… Is there someone you’ve always wanted to meet? Introduce yourself. Everyone is there to contribute to the sustainability and growth of the profession – enthusiasm is encouraged. Also – don’t let EVERYONE scan your badge at the expo — otherwise your email is going to blow up with stuff you don’t care about for eternity. The pen is NOT worth it.
If I had to create a presidential ticket with my top two mentors, I’d select… Darin Attebery, City of Fort Collins and Susan Opp, Colorado State University
Want to learn even more about event attendees? Follow our Twitter list for this event!