Introducing Local Government Solutions

Posted on September 4, 2015

In July, ELGL members ranked the top issues facing local government.  Colleen Casey’s University of Texas-Arlington graduate course used the results to select an issue to focus on. (More on that later.) The top five issues identified were:

  • Citizen Input, Community Engagement, Communication to constituents
  • Solutions to Fund Infrastructure
  • Succession Planning and Knowledge Transfer
  • Workforce Diversity (Gender and Ethnic)
  • Staying up-to-date on Technology

Local Government Solutions is a new feature being developed from the results. Local government experts, in a series of articles, will identify solutions to addressing the issues. We’ll hear from Alan Mond, MuniRent, Shazoo Rizvi, Dallas County, TX, Kevin Klosterboer, Roswell, GA, and many others.
The UTA class will focus their attention on one of the issues above. On September 14, the students and ELGL members will find out which issue was selected. You can get involved by serving as an adviser for one of the student group or by writing an article on one of the top five issues. To participate, send an email to Kent Wyatt –
H/T to Harrison Wicks, John McCarter, and Ryan Adams from SW ELGL for leading this effort.

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