ELGL is now accepting entries for the 2nd edition of the Resume Book. We encourage all ELGL members to submit a resume whether you are employed or you are looking for employment. Non-ELGL members can also submit a resume but members will receive priority placement in the book.
Here’s how it works.
Update your resume.
- ELGL members only – Submit three bullet points highlighting your career accomplishments or aspirations. (Visit Join ELGL to become a member.)
- Provide your submission via email to Megan Messmer, oregonelgl@gmail.com by Monday, April 1.
- The Resume Book will be published in mid-April and will be provided to the more than 100 organizations. This includes recruiting firms, cities, counties, state agencies, special districts, and etc.
- ELGL will issue the Five Minute Challenge to readers which encourages them to contact at least one person listed in the book as a way of networking or offering advice.
The first edition included 38 resumes from 12 different states. The entries came from working professionals, graduate students, and other aspiring local government professionals. For additional details on the first edition, visit the following link: It’s Here….the ELGL Resume Book. In conjunction with the book, we held a special forum with Ron Holifield, CEO of Strategic Government Resources who provided feedback on improving your resume.