LLELA (Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area) vs. Rotary Park

Posted on March 17, 2019

Rotary LLELA

Welcome to the #ELGLKnope Elite Eight! Voting opens on Monday, March 18, 2019 and concludes at noon on Saturday, March 23, 2019.

NEW for this round: double points awarded for every park/open space selfie photo shared on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram with the hashtag #ELGLKnope and the name of the park.

Why participate in the #ELGLKnope contest? This awards program is all about recognizing community pride in local government places. This is an opportunity to reach out and engage your community in celebration of a park or open space!


LLELA (Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area)
vs. Rotary Park

LLELA (Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area)

City of Lewisville, TX

LLELA Word cloud

LLELA Lewisville TX

Rotary Park

City of Livonia, MI

Rotary Word Cloud

Rotary Park Livonia MI


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