Elise Scolnick
Senior Planner
City of Damascus
Favorite book of all-time:
Daniel Kemmis’ “Community and the Politics of Place”
Book that is on your nightstand right now:
Without Reservations by Alice Steinbach
(Fill in the blank) When you wake up in the morning, you are motivated by………
The thought that I may be able to make a difference today. Who knows what the day will bring?
If you ran for elected office, what position would you run for?
Not in this lifetime. Maybe next.
Your best piece of career advice:
Everything is a phase, and this too, shall pass. Politicians come and go. Staff, hang in there.
Your favorite social media outlet:
Facebook – keeps me connected to the folks I don’t get to see much anymore. I don’t love it, but it works for my needs.
Which actor/actress would play you in a movie?
Kathy Bates
What is the home page on your web browser?
Google. I keep it simple.
Biggest issues facing local government:
- Civility
- Reminding ourselves why we have laws and regulations.
Two things that people will say about you at your retirement party:
- She was always ahead of her time, but sometimes behind.
- How did she do it all?
First concert that you ever attended:
Cleveland Orchestra with George Szell conducting. Cleveland schools provided ample opportunities for cultural education. Too bad our kids don’t have the same opportunities.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYvWpvY0L00&w=420&h=315]
Name three of your mentors:
- Lenore Glazer
That’s 4, but who’s counting.
Who is at the dinner table if you could invite any three people (dead or alive)?
(Fill in the blank) Government….
in need of introspection. Why is it that people are so disappointed in it, especially when so much good has been achieved through it?
(Fill in the blank) ELGL is ……..
a breath of fresh air, bringing communication and education opportunities for local government folks.
Previous Lightning Round Profiles
- Charles Clark, Lane County
- Rhett Tatum, Clackamas County
- Eric King, City of Bend and Gary Allis, Tauranga, New Zealand
- Sue Ryan, City of Canby
- David Snider, City of Sandy
- Amanda Lamb, City of San Diego, CA
- Elisa Hamblin, City of Portland
- Norma Alley, City of Newberg
- Mary Beth Henry, City of Portland
- Debbie Matheney, Eugene School District
- Jessica Struyk, City of Gresham
- Petra Schuetz, City of Coburg
- Rhyan Van Horn, TriMet
- Mark Stotik, Clackamas County
- Heidi Starks, West Slope Water District
- Teri Bankhead, City of Milwaukie
- Anthony Petchel, Bank of the Cascades
- Pat Mobley, Portland State University
- Ashley Graff, University of Kansas
- Eric Chambers, City of Gresham