We’re live-tweeting the UMANT Conference. Kent Wyatt will be providing frequent (somewhat) interesting updates.
Reader Question
Why is Ryan Adams at a local government conference?
A: Wishful thinking. There are at least two Ryan Adams in this world and one of them is not at the UMANT Conference.
But let’s use this opportunity to update you on the Taylor Swift/Ryan Adams CD.
Ryan Adams reveals cover of Taylor Swift’s ‘Bad Blood’ – listen
Beyond the Session
Jimmy Stathatos, Town Manager
Flower Mound town manager chosen for track record
The Apple Watch will be given away to those who stay for the entire conference.
Angry Door
The UMANT conference is pitching a perfect game with the exception of this poor, creaky door. The door has been crying out for a WD-40 bath. Every time the door opens and closes the door greets us with the “nails on the chalkboard” sound. I may sneak back into the building tonight and shower the door with a 12-pack of WD-40. Could get crazy tonight.
If this door was a chair, this would be its theme music.
For some reason, Texas is full of Green Bay Packer fans. To honor them, we present this video clip.
Introducing the ELGL/UTA Video
This week, we revealed the Local Government Challenge. We introduced the challenge with this video.
A Lil’ About Our Next Speaker
360 Review with Colleen Casey, UT-Arlington
ELGL-UTA: Top 5 Issues in Local Government Survey
Dr. Colleen Casey – The University of Texas at Arlington
Deep Thoughts
You should follow Matt Monedero on Twitter. He’s working on ELGL’s next Big Event.
There was a near riot when RyanKeithAdams broke out the high school football trivia. #UMANT
If there are donuts this afternoon, I’ll promise to attend every future UMANT event.
One of the UMANT conference attendees owns part of the Green Bay Packers.
Afternoon Music Break
Citizens of Pawnee
Here’s the opening video from our presentation.
More Big Event
It’s pretty impressive to have so many college students volunteering on a Saturday morning.
The BIG Event
Texas A&M is dominating the day. Luckily, the BIG Event presentation was more useful than Ryan Adams’ A&M yells.
Lunch Was Better Than Breakfast
Even if you aren’t in UMANT events, you should attend for the food. Wonderful spread of all sorts of meat, cole slaw, and other non-healthy items. Perfection. Plus there are a few breakfast tacos remaining which may end up in my pocket.
Videos from Lunch Activity
#WeBuiltThisCity: Rappin’ About Your #2
The Rest of the Story on the Whitehorse Council Meeting Ad
Bonds… City Bonds & Communicating with Round Rock, TX
Trends in Local Government
ELGL is up next. Here’s our presentation. We’re following Shahrzad presentation by using an overhead projector.
Fun Fact
Shahrzad is rockin’ Google Glasses for the presentation. Don’t see that at too many local government conferences.
Thanks to Shahrzad Rizvi for the shout out. He’s right – you can join ELGL for free if you are a student. Individuals can join for $30 and organizations for $230.
Shahrzad on ELGL
My Story with Shahrzad Rizvi, Dallas County, TX
What’s On My Desk? with Shahrzad Rizvi, Dallas County, TX
Next Up
Shahrzad Rizvi, Budget & Policy Analyst….Will he wear Google Glasses for the presentation?
“Tech.gov” – Today’s tech is already old news. This session will put you ahead of the curve in day-to-day tech that will help ‘govies’ GTD (get things done) and then explore the future role of tech in local government. Discover these critical technologies before they ever hit your IT department’s radar.
Can’t Buy These Until 7:00 a.m
Little Kids Table
Roger Gibson, City of Bedford, TX, mentioned the lil’ kids table during the opening session. You might have been busy crushing breakfast tacos and missed it. If so, you should eat quieter. Anyway, here’s the ELGL take on the Little Kids Table. Bottom line: Enough of segregating the profession by age. We need to develop relationships among all levels of local government.
After the Sessions
Plano assistant city manager will be on loan to Kilgore
Kilgore names interim city manager
New Irving city manager comes at a discount
Bedford taps police chief as new city manager
I Heart Breakfast Tacos
Hat tip to UMANT leadership for rolling out the breakfast tacos. Best conference breakfast ever! Double hat tip for the Starbucks Coffee.
Today’s Agenda
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Here’s a tweet-by-tweet of the conference: