If I only knew…
We at ELGL always look to and get inspired by the news media. Last month something caught our eye that many of our favorite journalists were involved with, the hashtag #AdviceForYoungJournalists. Veterans of the media scene tweeted and posted their advice for journalists just entering the field, the advice ranged from the practical and mundane to the hilarious.
We thought this was a great idea and we want to take it and spread it to local government. So for the entire month of April we’ll be tweeting and posting advice from our members for those administrators just entering the world of local government. Using the hashtag #LocalGovAdvice our regional advisory boards and veteran practitioners will tweet out what they wish they knew when they started in local government and the best things to do for those entering the field.
To get us started we want to hear from our members. Take the quick four question survey below to help us kick off our #LocalGovAdvice efforts. You can also share the survey with your colleagues using this link: www.surveymonkey.com/r/LocalGovAdvice.
Create your own user feedback survey