Link: ELGL Spreads Across the Country
“Think of it as a cross between The Atlantic magazine and Buzzfeed.”
Welcome to our new member feature. We’ve all heard the excuse “I’m too busy” so we’ve simplified our feature to illicit short, meaningful responses for our new members.
As a side note, ELGL is adamantly opposed to the excuse, “I’m too busy.”
Maggie Hughes (LinkedIn) is currently employed as a Management Analyst for the City of Troy, Michigan. She graduated from Michigan State University with an Honors Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science, with a concentration in International Relations and cognate studies in Political Science.
What I Am Reading:
What I Am Watching:
Peaky Blinders
What I Want From ELGL:
Opportunities to connect and learn from other professionals in the field.
What I Wish Local Government Did Better:
Telling people who we are and what we do. I’m from a smaller town and had no idea what local governments did until I fell into this job after graduation. I had never even heard of a City Manager before!!
What I Am Afraid Of:
Typos on social media updates.
What I Wish I Was Doing (Instead of Completing This Questionnaire):
Watching the Masters at home with my dog.
What I Am Listening To:
Bonnaroo 2015 Playlist
What I Consider As My Career Accomplishments:
One year ago I didn’t know how to design using Adobe programs or create websites. Since then I’ve learned how to make logos and posters that have gotten a lot of positive feedback. I also helped make the crowdfunding website for our future dog park.
What I Wish People Knew About Me:
That all I know about my future plans is that I want to travel.
What I Wish Would Go Away:
What I Think of Professional Associations:
Lots of value if they can offer engaging and relative content.
What I Wished You Asked Me:
How would I like to get involved in ELGL?
Supplemental Reading
Troy city leaders aim to make Big Beaver corridor more pedestrian-friendly
City seeks ideas for easier ways to walk across Big Beaver
What I Am – The Archives
Roger Gonzalez, University of Texas MPA
Rachel Nolin, City of Monterey, CA
Sareen Papakhian, Hazel Park, MI, Director of Parks
Robbie Lippard, George Washington University MPA Student
Casie Yoder, City of Decatur, GA
Rebecca Olson, City of Shoreview, MN