Meet the 2022 Best Places to Work in Local Government!

Posted on October 28, 2022

Gradient white and gray background with gray United States map on top. Blue pins on Cary, NC, Kansas City, MO, and San Rafael, CA. At the top says 2022 Best Places to Work in Local Government.

This year we’re honored to announce the 2022 winners of the Best Places to Work in Local Government

Cary, NC

Kansas City, MO

San Rafael, CA 


What made these rockstar communities stand out?


Cary, NC

Why they’re the best: Great core values to focus on people

The Town of Cary, NC had us with their organization’s core values:

  1. People First: We exist to build an inclusive community and take care of people.
  2. Evolution: We seize opportunities to experiment, learn and adapt to create a better future
  3. Working Smart: We prioritize work on the most important things
  4. Anyone Can Lead: We differentiate leadership from authority and believe that everyone can find ways to make our community better.

When it comes to these values, Cary practices what it preaches, with monthly “rap sessions” to provide a safe space for colleagues to discuss uncomfortable or challenging topics. Cary focuses on rewarding its employees, including with a “Benefits My Way” program that offers additional paid time off each year and offers lifestyle reimbursements for things like childcare, tuition assistance, fitness and physical activity, veterinary bills and more. 


Kansas City, MO 

Why they’re the best: Excellent community and employee engagement 

Kansas City SHOWED UP for this challenge with the most nominations. Then they quickly showed these nominations were solid in both quantity and quality. One way the City focuses on community engagement is its Office of Citizen Engagement, dedicated to strengthening the relationship between the City and its residents. It’s described as a “one-stop shop” to help residents navigate the system.

The City was described as one with “limitless opportunities” for its employees. If you’re an employee who works hard and wants to advance in your career, KCMO is the kind of place that rewards that initiative, and creates an atmosphere that empowers its employees.


San Rafael, CA

Why they’re the best: Trust

In a time where some local governments face strife with elected officials, San Rafael stands out as a community whose staff is empowered by the trust its council and elected leaders place in them. They’re challenged to be their best professional selves both behind the scenes and in front of the cameras at council meetings. They don’t compete for appreciation. There’s acknowledgement across City Hall that each team member is vital in creating a wonderful community. To that end, they trust one another enough to break down silos and focus on cross-departmental work that is key to advance community programs and projects. 

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