ELGL is partnering with Cartegraph for the Rocky Mountain High-Performance Government workshop on May 3, 2019 (register today!) and we’re profiling the ten speakers so you can get to know them before their high-energy presentations on becoming a high-performance agency!
Melissa Wiley
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What’s a “high performance” government idea you’re fascinated with with right now?
I’m really interested in cross training and level loading. Such a simple thing to do with such incredible results.
If you could give career advice to your 22-year-old self, what would you say?
Take criticism with a light heart. There’s always something to learn so be open to criticism and jovial with critics. People with a healthy sense of self-worth and self-awareness can take criticism well. Develop and cultivate your self-worth and the world becomes easier to navigate.
What’s something that recently surprised you?
I recently became a mom for the first time and I’ve been surprised by how little we, as a society, support and value mothers and babies.
So far, what’s your proudest accomplishment in 2019?
Developing a new leadership program for the City and County of Denver, which will hopefully further enhance frontline innovation.
What podcast are you currently listening to? Would you recommend it?
I love Onbeing with Krista Tippitt. It’s a podcast about faith, ethics, and spirituality. They cover topics with kindness and empathy and focus on open and respectful conversation with all people. I find it to be both inspirational and calming in today’s world.
What’s your best advice for a local government that wants to adopt new innovations or high performance practices?
Focus on relationships first. Good relationships lead to results.
What question should we have asked? What’s your answer?
Who are your favorite thought leaders right now? I am a huge fan of Melinda Gates. She is incredibly well read and well versed in so many of the biggest challenges of today. I’d love to work for her one day.
I also love Adam Grant. He was a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, where I went to graduate school. He specializes in workplace psychology and has done some really interesting research. I see him as a pioneer in this area and someone to watch.