Member Profile: Mitch Hammes

Posted on December 16, 2019

Mitch Hammes

Mitch Hammes

Neighborhood Services Manager, City of Colorado Springs

If you had to live in a different city, what city would you choose?

Storytelling or innovation? Which is the most overused word in local government?

What year would the most important in your life? Why?

2001 – The year I started working in municipal government and found my true calling.

(Complete this sentence) The one thing that I think is missing from local government is….

speaking from the heart and telling others what may be difficult for them to hear.
What’s your “public meeting pump-up song,” the song that gets you fired up before a big meeting?
Cher – “Believe”

What fictional character would you most like to have a beer or coffee with? Why?

Walter White from Breaking Bad

We profile our members so you can learn more about them and connect with them on social media. It also helps to learn a little more about what they believe in and what they’re working on.  

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