As you make your holiday list, consider giving the #GiftofELGL to your colleagues. ELGL is the fastest-growing, most affordable, high-quality professional development network for public servants. Starting now, you can give the gift of membership – $15/students, $30/students, $300/organization.
The #GiftOfELGL is spreading. Welcome to new members:
- Amy McGuire, City of Gaithersburg, Maryland
- Amy Walbridge, City of Dayton
- Anthony Christian, City of Bloomington, Indiana
- Ben Brown, North Carolina League of Municipalities
- Breanna Adams, Erie County, Pennsylvania
- Jennifer Westerholm, Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County
- Julia Glanz, City of Salisbury, Maryland
- Mike Cully, League of Oregon Cities
- Sarah Alig, City of Woodbury, Minnesota
- Shelby Quinlivan, City of Middletown, Ohio
- Singeh Saliki, Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County