Mount Rushmore with Nick Santoro, Village of Glenview, IL

Posted on July 19, 2017

It’s Mount Rushmore season for ELGL members. We’re asking for your top four list on a variety of topics.

Nick Santoro

Deputy Director of Administrative Services for the Village of Glenview

Connect: LinkedIn & Twitter

City Departments

  1. Resolution Center (this is where I work. We handle water billing, work orders, and serve as the general information hub of the Village. My home away from home),
  2. Police
  3. Fire
  4. Public Works


  1. It’s a Wonderful Life
  2. The Godfather
  3. Shawshank Redemption
  4. Star Wars

Office Pet Peeves

  1. Showing up late/unprepared to meetings
  2. Lack of follow thru on projects
  3. Long email/voicemail instead of face-to-face
  4. Passing off issues to others instead of working together

Issues Facing Your City

  1. State diversion of revenue with potential property tax freeze on horizon,
  2. Public safety pension costs rising,
  3. Implementation of our new water meter’s and launching of resident portal to view usage,
  4. Getting to know our new administrator

Glenview Attractions

  1. Kohl Children’s Museum
  2. Gallery Park/Lake Glenview
  3. Wagner Farm
  4. The Glen (mixed retail/residential was formerly an air force base)
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