It’s Mount Rushmore season for ELGL members. We’re asking for your top four list on a variety of topics.
Ande Banks
City of Harrisonburg, Virginia – Deputy City Manager
Connect: LinkedIn
Harrisonburg Attractions
- Explore More Discovery Museum
- Downtown – anywhere!
- A Dream Come True Playground
- Rocktown Trails at Hillandale Park
Summer Activities
- Rocktown Beer and Music Festival (technically in April, but marks the coming of summer)
- Valley Fourth – July 4th Celebration
- International Festival
- First Fridays and Fridays on the Square
Music Acts
- The Steel Wheels
- The Judy Chops
- Who Shot John
- Beastie Boys
- Vanilla Sky
- Saving Private Ryan
- 28 Days Later
- Trainspotting
Issues Facing Harrisonburg
- School System Expansion
- Zoning and Planning Evolution
- Changes associated with the rapid growth and diversification of a formerly small rural and agricultural town into a more regional hub)
- Challenges and opportunities associated with a major state University (James Madison University) in the heart of our City.
- Holly Karg, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
- Kristen Smith, UNC School of Government
- Sarah Martin-Anderson, City of Kansas City, MO
- Timothy Martin, City of Roanoke, VA
- Aaron Hufford, City of Hamilton, OH
- Matt Yager, City of Plano, Texas
- Greg Stopka, Park District of Oak Park
- Doug Barrick, Town of Rutherfordton, NC
- Maia Knox, City of Issaquah, WA
- Lori Karaguezian, Orange County Sanitation District
- Courtney Kashima, Muse Community + Design