It’s Mount Rushmore season for ELGL members. We’re asking for your top four list on a variety of topics.
Doug Barrick
Town Manager – Town of Rutherfordton, NC
Town Departments
- Police
- Fire
- Public Works
- Library
Carolina Panthers Players
- Thomas Davis
- Greg Olsen
- Christian McCaffrey
- Julius Peppers (The New, Old Guy! )
Office Pet Peeves
- Adding Paper to the Copier
- Leaking Roof at Town Hall
- Emails that could have been a 10-second conversation
- People not taking ownership of things
Issues Facing Rutherfordton
- Stagnant Population growth
- Job Growth
- Aging Housing Stock
- How to effectively work with the state on bypass they are building to not negatively impact the Town
Rutherfordton Attractions
- Kidsenses Children’s Museum and the upcoming Factory
- The Purple Martin Greenway
- Amazing Staff & Town Council & Engaged Citizenry!
- Minted Orignal – Bechtler Gold – The Mint Master
- Squeezing in a 5th – NC Rural Small Town of the Year – 2016