New Sensation: Crystal McLain, City of Novi, MI

Posted on May 22, 2014

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Crystal McLain


City of Novi (MI), Graduate Management Analyst Intern 

Education: Wayne State University, Masters in Urban Planning and Wayne State, Undergraduate Degree in Urban Studies and Public Relations

Experience: Preservation Wayne

Q & A with Crystal

(Complete these phrases) Best thing about the….

80’s was……. The Cartoons  and the musictumblr_miskt8W29P1rc0luco1_r2_400

90’s was……  Sitcoms (TGIF!)… and the music

00’s was….. Riding my bike everywhere, until I could drive!

Last year was….. The fact that I made it through… it was a hectic year

Today is…. The opportunities!

(Complete this sentence) I feel old when I……..

Realize that the year 2000 was 14 years ago! (what?!)

Tell us about two mistakes that you’ve made that we can learn from.

  • Trying to take on too much; there’s a tipping point when quantity starts surpassing quality… stay away from that.
  • Underestimating my abilities

Give us three of your favorite YouTube videos.

Anything that makes me laugh – David after the dentist is a classic.

Our annual conference will be held in October 2014. Name three topics or speakers that should be included on the conference agenda.

Topics: Regional cooperation, Retrofitting Suburbia, Sustainable Development

Parent(s) can be influential in career choices of their kids. What was the career path of your parent(s)?

My parents are both blue collar workers and neither of them went to college.  They instilled a good work ethic in me at a very young age, and made me realize how important an education was.

Name three of your mentors and describe them in five words.

  • My grandmother: Strong, uncompromising, courageous, willful, loving

Your hometown…..what is it best known for?

Its main corridor: Gratiot. The Gratiot corridor traverses 9 communities  as it stretches over 26 miles across Macomb County.

How can ELGL best contribute to the public sector?

By fostering meaningful dialogue, professional development, and networking opportunities for incoming government leaders.

Give us two items that are broken in local government.

  • Communication (often, but not always the case)
  • The ability to effectively balance citizen need, and a static or dwindling budget

Fast forward one year, what will factor into your decision on whether to renew your ELGL membership?

What I’ve gotten out of it this year.

What questions should we have asked?

What area of local government are you particularly drawn to, and why.

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