What better way to learn about a new ELGL member than a series of extremely personal questions that may or may not be work related. That is our goal in the New Sensation feature. Whether it is learning about a person’s top accomplishments in the last 24 hours or learning about the inside of their car, you learn more here than any icebreaker that you’ve been a part of.
Michael Enloe
In-Street Facilities Designer at TriMet
Education: Oregon Institute of Technology, Bachelor of Science (BS), Civil Engineering
Experience: Transportation Designer/Construction Inspector, Washington State Department of Transportation and City of Tigard Pedestrian & Bicyclist Committee Member
Projects: I-5 – Mellen Street to Blakeslee Junction
Connect: LinkedIn
Q & A with Michael
Three projects that you are working on.
- Design Criteria – Updates
- Operator Breakroom/Restroom Facility Implementation
- Varies Concrete Paving projects
Three accomplishments in the last 24 hours.
- Taught my dog to request to come in the front door of the house.
- Completed a 3 day National Transit Institute training
- Waking up on time this morning
Your longest public meeting. 3 hours
Best piece of advice from your parents. Never give up
Excluding family, give you three of your career mentors.
- Ted Bennett
- I know you said no family, but I have to put my Wife. If it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t be where I am. She’s by far my most inspirational mentor/career coach I could have.
- In need of more mentors….
How did you find out about ELGL?
One of my co-workers (Inessa Vitko) sent an email notification.
(Complete the sentence) Before I die I want to…..I want to have lived life
Should government be run like a business?
Well government is a business, by definition. I think the question is should it be run like the private industry? To some extent I think yes, there is a drastic cleaning of house that needs to happen at some agencies. But you also have to keep in mind that government is providing a service to the public that is not always or rarely solely funded by its fees.
Worst movie you’ve ever seen.
Julie Julia
Worst CD you’ve ever bought. Weird Al Yankovic
Three defining news events of your lifetime.
- 9/11
- Baseball steroid scandal
- Lance Armstrong yellow jersey and Tour de France title dethroning
(Complete the sentence) I know this makes me sound old but……I like being in bed by 10 pm on the weekends.
Describe the inside of your car.
Freshly vacuumed with no loose materials. Always keep my gym bag in the back seat because you never know when you feel the need to work out. Several pairs of sunglasses, have to be ready for any type of sun, especially in the sunny northwest (sarcasm).
Give us your ultimate mix tape.
- Awolnation
- ZZ Top
- Darius Rucker
- Train
(Complete the sentence) In 2018, local government will be …………Running leaner and meaner. Not necessarily with less people but becoming more effective with utilizing the tools that are currently at their disposals more effectively.
Biggest misconception about government.
Oh it’s got great benefits and security.
What’s the meaning of life?
To follow your passion(s) and enjoy every moment, you never know how long or short it may be.
Finally, what question(s) should I have asked?
If you were a car what would you be and why.