[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iV-QGQVZv0k&w=420&h=315]
Since ELGL is not a big fan of icebreakers and since we would rather not know what animal you want to be, this feature will serve as a way of introducing new members. While you won’t learn about their favorite animal, you will learn about their ideal Sunday morning, which dead people would they FaceTime with, and which song best describes their life.
Name: Jessica Nunley
Email: jessica.nunley@newbergoregon.gov
Education: University of Oregon, B.A., Political Science and University of Oregon, MCRP, Planning (PPPM)
Current Position: City of Newberg, Assistant Planner
Previous Employment:
Connect: LinkedIn
Connect with Newberg: Facebook, the Web
Three current projects
- Bike Newberg – our comprehensive bike program, which includes marked & signed bike routes, printed maps, a May Commute Challenge, and a downtown bike rack cost share program (and our racks come in four colors so they’re cool). We got our first route installed last summer and are working on our second route this summer.
Three accomplishments in the last 24 hours.
- Dundee City Council had a workshop on the updated Code and is ready to adopt at their first August meeting!
- 20 pushups with my lunch workout group.
- Bought plane tickets for my upcoming honeymoon in Mexico.
Worst movie you’ve ever seen. Worst CD you’ve ever bought.
Worst movie (recently): Bling Ring
Worst CD: Hanson (mmmbop!)
Three defining news events of your lifetime.
- Mt St Helens eruption (May 1980, so I was not quite a year old, but still in my lifetime)
- September 11, 2001 attacks
- The Gulf War, 1990 – this was the first time I remember being fully aware of war and what that meant, because there were yellow ribbons all around my small town and we knew people who were serving.
Your longest public meeting.
I think some of our UGB hearings went until around midnight.
Songs on your iPod’s Recently Played list.
- Be Good Tanyas
- Justin Townes Earle
- Head and the Heart
- plus, loving the new songs by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
Best piece of advice from your parents.
Probably to treat others as you would like to be treated. My dad also always drilled into me the importance of having good credit, so I’m really conscientious about that.
Excluding family, give three of your career mentors.
- Barton Brierley, Newberg Planning & Building Director – Barton is a great boss, good explainer of arcane policy details, promotes us being involved in the community, and really believes in good planning.
- Bob Parker, CPW Director – Bob did a great job preparing me to actually work in the real world and I learned a lot from him through working for CPW.
- Bob Andrews, Newberg Mayor – Mayor Andrews promotes a positive workplace and the importance of giving back to the community. Many city employees are involved in various service groups and activities (City Club, Rotary, Kiwanis, SMART) and involvement is encouraged by the city.
(Complete the sentence) I know this makes me sound old but……Why are the teenagers’ shorts so short?
Last time you checked your cell phone.
About a half hour ago, when I got a text from a friend.
Describe the inside of your car.
It needs to be vacuumed! Lots of debris from carrying bikes around, camping, and road trips. Various cds in the middle and in both door pockets. My coffee cup from this morning in the middle console. A random 12 pack of ginger ale in the back floor area with some cans missing that were used to make our new favorite drink “Big Ginger” at a friend’s house. A trusty car blanket, used for impromptu picnics, and an emergency car kit with jumper cables and flares.
Song(s) that remind you of summer.
Anything country music, that new Robin Thicke song (because the best way to listen to it is with the windows down and it turned up), Bruce Springsteen songs, “Wagon Wheel” by Old Crow Medicine Show, and mmmbop (kidding, kidding!)
Editor’s Note: This is the second mention of MmmBop which can mean only one thing.
(Complete the sentence) In 2018, local government will be ………… More innovative, working to engage the public more through different media channels, evolving to prioritize funding for bike/ped infrastructure.
(Complete the sentence) Before I die I want to……Travel around and see what life is like in other countries, particularly in Asia and South America. Be fluent in at least one other language. Have a farm with goats.
Should government be run like a business?
In the sense that businesses have more room for innovation, yes. In the sense that the greater good sometimes gets left behind because it doesn’t make money, no.
Biggest misconception about government.
That we don’t care about how things affect citizens. We could probably do a better job at explaining the why and how of projects/policies upfront.
What’s the meaning of life?
Feeling happy and fulfilled, being a good friend/partner/family member, giving back to your community.
Lastly, what question(s) should we have asked?
What is your favorite book?
I actually love to read and have lots of favorites. Right now my favorites include: The Poisonwood Bible, Cutting for Stone, How to be a Woman, and Chronology of Water.
Why should everyone visit Newberg?
Because we have a lot of wine tasting shops and other interesting businesses opening up downtown, we have a farmers market on Tuesday afternoons and Tunes on Tuesday in the evenings during the summer, and we have a first Friday art walk every month – all fun stuff to do!
Editor’s Note: Newberg is also known as hometown of Bachelor contestant Tenley Molzahn.
Related Link: Newberg native Tenley comes up roses on ‘The Bachelor’
Supplemental Reading
- Newberg wins Special Achievement in Planning Award for 6th Grade Design Star Project
- Newberg continues planning for 200-acre industrial area
- Kids and Planning
Previous Profiles
- Jacques Livingston, PSU MPA Student and Former AmeriCorps Director, Olympic Peninsula YMCA
- Justin Powell, City of Greenville, SC, Budget Administrator
- Kevin Perkins, Benton County
- David Nguyen, City of Beaverton and ELGL Photographer
- Kristin Akervall, Austen Group
- Brian Southey, City of Bloomington, IL
- Jessica LaVigne, OPB Member Center Representative
- Jessica Cahill, PacificSource Health Plans, Communications Specialist
- Tom Hogue, Economic Development Specialist, Dept. of Land Conservation and Development
- Caleb Howe, City of Independence
- Geoff Wullschlager, PSU Center for Public Service, Budget Analyst
- Dylan Digby, City of West Linn Public Improvement Specialist
- Joshua Allen, Program Manager at Umatilla Basin Watershed Council
- Jeremy James, Cosgrave Vergeer Kester, Attorney
- Michael Rizzitiello, Beaverton Economic Development Coordinator
- Pavel Gubanikhin, Eugene Senior Budget Analyst
- Aaron Bogle, City of Beaverton, Neighborhood Program Project Specialist
- Scott Pingel, Dayton City Manager
- Rob Caballero, Willamette University MBA
- Melanie Cutler, Oregon Department of Revenue
- Stephanie Tripp, Oregon Health Authority, Public Affairs
- Andrew Spaeth, Oregon State Master of Public Policy
- Carlos Soriano, Business & Employment Specialist at State of Oregon
- Ellen Currier, Lane Council of Governments
- Eric Battles, University of Southern California
- Michelle Tagmyer, City of Beaverton Public Information
- Evan Fransted, University of Colorado-Denver School of Public Affairs
- Ben Patinkin, Patinkin Research Strategies
- Emma Williams, Oregon Metro
- Nick Herrera, State of Oregon
- Lauren Stott, Village of Montgomery, IL
- Beth Otto, City of Lake Oswego and PSU MURP Student
- Bradley Olin, California State University, Office of the Chancellor
- Adam Hackman, Drake University MPA Student
- Tamara Richards, City of Eugene
- Scott Aycock, Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council
- Dan Blue, City of Gresham
- Michael Parkhurst, City of Gresham