New Year’s Resolutions for Professional Growth

Posted on December 20, 2021

2022 Candles

Today’s Morning Buzz is brought to you by Nancy Retana, Grant Specialist/Development Coordinator for Kenosha County (WI) Division of Parks. Follow Nancy on LinkedIn.

What I’m Listening To: Suspect Podcast by Wondery.

What I’m Watching: Classic Christmas Movies!

What I’m Reading: Atomic Habits by James Clear.

With the end of the year quickly approaching and 2022 in the horizon, many people have begun to think about new year’s resolutions. For some (including myself), these become failed attempts at going to the gym every day, avoiding carbohydrates or sugar, or trying to wake up a half hour earlier. This year, I want to take the opportunity of a new year to look at my career and set some resolutions for personal growth.

The pandemic has brought many challenges, but, it has also created new opportunities in the forms of skill gaps and new technologies. Many industries have identified the top skills employers are looking for in 2022. “Communication”, “critical thinking” and “data literacy” are among the skills that workers need in order to thrive in 2022, according to a new report by Questionmark, a leading online assessment provider[1].

Whatever the industry is, one must figure out how to achieve these skills. Establishing resolutions for professional growth can help optimize your potential. One third of our lives is spent at work[2]. Invest in your professional growth to make work life be as satisfying and rewarding as possible. Follow these simple steps for professional growth in the new year.

  1. Learn a new skill. Whether you’re trying to advance your career or attempting to master a new tool, take advantage of online learning mechanisms. Access free courses that cover a variety of topics through LinkedIn Learning, your local library, or local technical college or university.
  2. Consider becoming a mentor and a mentee in the new year. Mentoring provides you an opportunity to enhance communication skills and develop your leadership roles. As a mentee, you gain valuable advice and insight from mentors. They may also help you stay focused and on track in your career through advice, skill development, networking, and more.
  3. Build new connections. These opportunities will allow you to build a strong professional network that may allow you to stay on top of what’s happening in your field or expose you to new industries. Try to make meaningful connections and engage with people who you might not cross paths unless you made a concerted effort.
  4. Volunteering has many positive benefits. Find a cause or local organization with a mission that speaks to you. Sign up and contribute your time. Perhaps serve on a non-profit board. Whatever volunteer mechanism you choose, take advantage of the opportunity for you to practice skills, learn new techniques, and observe others who may be more skilled in a specific role or opportunity.

Remember to be patient and kind to yourself. If you fail to keep up with your resolution, just keep trying. According to James Clear, who is the author of Atomic Habits,

it takes anywhere from two to eight months to develop a new behavior or habit[3].




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