No. 10 Top Local Government Influencer for 2022: Cassie Johnson

Posted on January 10, 2023

Portrait of a while woman with long brown hair, red lipstick, and a black top. She has her arms crossed and appears to be posing outside.

No. 10 – Cassie Johnson

City of Scottsdale, Ariz. Police Department | Director of Strategic Initiatives

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Dynamic | Strategic | Magical

There has perhaps never been a more perfect job title for a human. Cassie emodies strategic. She’s always thinking about ways the Scottsdale Police Department can be innovative, and the rest of us watch in awe and simply try to keep up. She’s also a nurturing presence. She talks about the team like they’re her family, and she leaves you wanting to know more about this amazing team and culture she’s part of cultivating.

In addition to her regular strategic awesomeness, she’s also an incredible facilitator. She’s engaging, encouraging, and doesn’t mess around. She will keep you on track, provides both truths and encouragement, and engages in the entire process with a smile. She facilitated the ELGL board retreat in October, and the team is so grateful for her help in navigating critical transition discussions. She is a total rock star, and is changing the face of police strategic initiatives.

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