No. 9 – Melissa Wiley
Town of Erie, Colo. | Deputy Town Administrator
Passionate | Genuine | Inclusive
Y’all. The world needs more Melissa Wileys; we’d all be better for it. Her willingness to have genuine, difficult, meaningful conversations is exactly what local government needs, especially today. She radiates joy in all that she does, in and out of City Hall. Melissa also kindly volunteered her time on ELGL’s Innovation Task Force, ensuring that local governments have a seat at the public sector innovation table. Bonus: She has some fantastic book recs – and is even working on her own memoir!
Melissa also has a super power where she somehow creates time. I remember calling her on a particularly nutty day when I was struggling with how to approach an upcoming meeting, and she took the time to walk me through several options. Afterwards, we visited about the trials and joys of motherhood. I’m sure she had a million other things to do that day, and I am so lucky and honored she spent part of her busy day connecting with me.