Podcast: Bar Exam on Recent Legal Cases Affecting Local Government with Megan Mack and Greg Jones

Posted on March 14, 2025

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megan mack ancel glink greg jones ancel glink
Megan Mack
Ancel Glink
LinkedIn | Bio
Greg Jones
Ancel Glink
LinkedIn | Bio

Three lawyers walk into a bar. Megan Mack and Greg Jones, both Partners at the local government law firm, Ancel Glink, joined the podcast to talk about recent cases impacting local governments. They discussed the Supreme Court ruling affecting camping bans in Grants Pass v. Johnson. They talked about two zoning cases involving a challenge from residents about a proposed wind farm and a church claiming religious discrimination because it had to apply for a special use permit. Lastly, they discussed an equal protection case involving a municipality’s interactions with a property owner. They also shared the partnership their firm has had with the Chicago Metro Section of the American Planning Association (APA) Illinois Chapter.

Host: Dan Bolin


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Learn More

Supreme Court Upholds Ordinance Prohibiting Camping & Sleeping on Public Property

Court Upholds Zoning Approvals for Wind Farm Project

Seventh Circuit Upholds Dismissal of Church Zoning Dispute

Court Rejects “Class of One” Equal Protection Lawsuit in Land Use Case

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