Podcast: Fires, Floods, & Taxicabs with Jeffrey Roth, New York, NY

Posted on July 30, 2021

Jeffrey Roth

Jeffrey Roth
Deputy Commission of Veterans Services
New York City, New York

Taking a bite out of big apple bureaucracy. Jeffrey Roth, Deputy Commissioner of the Veterans Services Department for New York City, New York, joined the podcast to talk about his career in local government and his new book Fires, Floods, and Taxicabs. He shared his lessons learned and how he earned trust and buy-in from large organizations. He also discussed his experience going through a mayoral appointment process.

Host: Kirsten Wyatt

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Fires, Floods, and Taxicabs: Taking a Bite Out of Big Apple Bureaucracy

ELGL Book Club: “Fires, Floods, and Taxicabs”

Digital Transformation Fireside Chat with Jeffrey D. Roth: Author of ‘Fires, Floods & Taxicabs’

Mayor de Blasio Nominates Jeffrey D. Roth as Chair and Commissioner of the Taxi and Limousine Commission

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