ELGL members Kent and Kirsten Wyatt trained a group of Daly City, CA employees last week on using social media in local government. It was a diverse group with staff from police, fire, city manager’s office, city attorney’s office, building officials, and more.
The training consisted of two parts: a review of Facebook and Twitter use in local government and a hands-on exercise in live tweeting.
The Lightning Round question for the training was “what is one thing we need to know about Daly City?” Responses included: it’s the 2nd foggiest place in the world (London is first), there is an In and Out Burger in the city, John Madden and Duncan Sheik are from Daly City, and the City employees around 500 staff.
Many thanks to Julie Underwood, Daly City assistant city manager for hosting the ELGL duo.
Picture Show:
Social Media Training: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter