It’s Final Four Week! Vote and comment about the Pueblo City-County Library. Join ELGL for daily score updates from the Final Four. We’ll update this post throughtout the week.
Pueblo City-County Library
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My husband and I do not have Internet access at home so we love being able to come into our Pueblo library and use one of the many computers available for public use. This is really beneficial to us and we love it! We also have utilized the library for various research material and, of course, checking out the books available to rent for a short period of time.
This is a great library for our town and Pueblo community and we find it amazing!!!! Pueblo holds this library very dear to each of our hearts.
Our library district has an exchange program, so I can go online and find my books to put on hold. Then I will send my books to the library of my choice. I have also used online streaming of books and the e-book method whenever I can’t find the actual book. My library has lots of friendly employees that will help me whenever I need help.
First, I love the fact that it is beautiful on the outside and inviting. Second, the set up inside is the best. Each section is well stocked and if there is something you’re looking for and they don’t have it, the staff will get it ordered for you or let you know what other library in the area has it. I love to read and have found that the older I get the more I enjoy going to the library.
It has beautifully modern architecture that honors our city’s moniker of ‘Steel City.’ The staff are friendly and well informed and there is a feeling of inclusivity such that people from all walks of life come to use the facilities equally.
Obviously there are many reasons to love a Pueblo library, but let me share why I love our library. When it was first unveiled in its entirety, it divided the community: some people loved it, and some people hated it… but it got everyone thinking about what a library means to them.
Pueblo is a community which is anchored in tradition and the “good ol’ days.” So to have a library pop up as a beacon on the hill that was so modern and forwarded thinking was a huge risk. But there is stands in Pueblo, with the design of a monument to changing times, while paying homage to the city’s industrial past. It overlooks the city, and allows visitors to marvel at our history from a place that is so forward-thinking.
And as much as the design has embraced where libraries are going, so has the programming. The library is no longer a warehouse for books, but an engaging and creative space. The ideas that live within a library need to be activated – the Pueblo library has kept up with the pack. Did you know that you can bring your child in to read to service dogs, if they are having difficulty practicing reading in front of others? Did you know that you can come to workshops for research and genealogy? Did you know you can see movies?
And lastly, a lot of people make comments about the place of such a monumental library in a city like Pueblo which has its own problems and challenges. Maybe such a city doesn’t deserve this, or the community doesn’t know how to utilize it… well, I guarantee you that at least one child has left with a stack of books ranging from Japanese picture dictionaries to art history books to cooking lessons to biographies about people she felt she should know about. She left with access to knowledge that otherwise may have been impossible to reach had someone not wanted to step out of the past, out of our city’s comfort zone, and build this library.
They have so many great activities for my children to learn from and enjoy, from story time to haunted houses to circus acts! My kids all love to read, and I think it’s because they have always found the Pueblo library to be such a fun and wonderful place.
Porque tiene mucho contenido que es muy interesante para niños y público en general.
It has different floors. 1. front desk, check out, cafe, storytelling, toys, kid movies, kid/pre teen books, and computers for kids. 2. Teen/young adult, manga, books of all varieties, movies, hangout, conference room, quite rooms, printers, and computers. 3. Activities, there is ALWAYS a task/puzzle that takes time to figure out but it’s so fun! coloring, dress up, theater, information desk, and empty room for events. 4. adults, books of many varieties, lounge area’s, quite rooms. and an awesome view on the bridge!
I love the library for many reasons! Friendly staff, GREAT family environment, aesthetically pleasing! I have not had one bad experience at this library so far. When we first purchased our home we wanted to know the history and a librarian helped us out with old news paper articles, she even found older books located in the back and original blue prints! The more she helped the more we found out and the 3 of us just enjoyed our little detective hour. I know when I go to this library I will get what I need from it, my boyfriend will get what he needs and our children will get what they need. As a family this is one of our favorite downtime’s together.
I love our Pueblo Library! The staff is very friendly and helpful. I’ve attended on a regular basis classes on health and nutrition sponsored by a local hospital. I’ve also attended other functions/activities in the large meeting room at the Library. It’s wonderful to have at our fingertips a beautiful library with so many available resources that accommodates the very youngest of children to seniors and beyond…
Thank you Pueblo Colorado for strategically building our Library downtown… right in the Heart of Pueblo for easy access to the residents of Pueblo and the surrounding communities!
The library offers not only endless resources. A children’s play area and craft center available and friendly to home school moms as well as after school. It offers an extensive resource center, and also an amazing computer lab. We have lots of activities including several educational and lots of fun ones and we have lots of community members who feel comfortable to use it for meetings and fun events. I think our library is one of the better ones I have ever seen if not the best. We also have a panoramic view of the amazing Steel City that we call home! It is phenomenal to see the smoke stacks and the mountains in one place! So cool.
Pueblo County’s public library is the best library I have ever encountered in the three states I’ve lived in. I am here at least three times a week to check out books or rent rooms to study for grad school. I am a teacher, and the Rawlings library gives us so many resources, including field trips, library tours, and perhaps most importantly, it gives access to all Pueblo students who sometimes do not have a computer at home. Exposure to books and libraries is huge for the kids of Pueblo County. We don’t have the huge funding here that other towns do, so our library is a gem to us!
It is my happy place. I moved here seven years ago and had a rough time adjusting to a smaller city. However, after visiting the library and volunteering time in their Hispanic Resource Center, I started to appreciate the History of this City, meet some interesting people and transition into retirement. I have visited several libraries throughout the country and I can honestly say, Pueblo Couty Library is one of the best. It’s activities for the community, resources for education, and just the general environment of invites participation.
It is beautiful on the inside and out. It has a huge selection. It is always featuring different art from local artists. It has a really neat section to learn about our ancestry. They always have something going on which is free or low cost. It has a beautiful view of the city and a very cool floor for the kids with different interactive things to do. And it features very neat info about our city’s history! I love this library!
The employees of the Pueblo Library District go out of their way to reach out to the public and welcome us to the various library facilities in Pueblo County. All of our libraries are beautifully constructed, nicely maintained, and well-managed. Puebloans can be very proud of our library district.
I love my Pueblo City and County Library. I am handicapped and live in a rural area (So rural we don’t have any television reception without cable or sattelite). The ebook library is exceptional. When I need a hard copy book, this library system will ship the items to the local school to be collected. This sattelite is exceptional. Their help and service are invaluable to me.
I love my Pueblo County Library because there are branch libraries throughout the area which are well stocked with books and the staff at all the branches are well educated, pleasant, helpful and make your visit very worthwhile. The children of all ages use our libraries daily and you can witness their delight in being a part if this institution.
I love the genealogy department! They have been real helpful. Also they have many different activities and classes! I for one am interested in the senior computer classes! Storytelling, magazines, infozone for movies and so much more!!! It is a place the community can come together and know the latest issues on Politics and the area! Our library in Pueblo has just about a well rounded function for our community!!!!!
I love the Pueblo City County Library District because it brings literacy and access to knowledge to underprivileged communities! Additionally, because the library is the only place you can go where you can just exist without having to pay anything. Strive for greatness! Pursue knowledge! Come see us at the Pueblo Libraries!
I love my library for the wonderful programs they bring. Movies presented by Sierra Club, Tibetan monks producing a mandala on site, and vendors presenting Pueblo Outdoors for the community are just a few of the highlights from our library.
Pueblo’s library district is a solid resource and provides low income families with educational programs and opportunities. The library hosts various community agencies and speaks Pueblos needs. It is more than a place of books. It’s the heart of our city.
I love the kiosks for checking out books, I love the helpful librarians. I like that I can walk to our closest branch (Barkman) and the larger main branch downtown is an easy drive with plenty of parking. I loved that the Pueblo W. branch held a Minecraft event that our grandchildren loved when they visited us during summer of 2016. I love the ease of connecting and using web site for placing books on hold. I love that books are automatically renewed unless someone is waiting for them. Have lived here 2 years now and haven’t had to pay a late fine yet!
The Pueblo City-County Library District is the most well-run, organizational Library I have ever experienced. I move to Pueblo, CO, just recently and having a wonderful library system to go to for information and activity is a great plus.
Whenever I need assistance at any of the Pueblo Libraries, the staff is so knowledgeable. The staff are extremely focused on providing exceptional service to patrons. It is such a pleasant experience to have these wonderful people to help you and know they really care about their service to the public.
I have had a library card at Pueblo Library for almost 30 years including moving away and coming back. The Pueblo Library district has evolved with branches around the city and county to serve the most people possible. I have checked out how to books on many subject through the years and now use the DVD library. I have benefited from the adult education classes to help me prepare for a GED and to read and write better. I still have someone to help me write this but now understand my dyslexia and how to better deal with it
We have one of only 2 newspaper museums in the Infzone on the 4th floor of the main library, a theater for showing DVDs, and many conference/meeting rooms where local nonprofits can meet. I personally go to Veterans for Peace (VFP) and Health Care for All Colorado (DCAC) meetings at the main library and appreciate the availability of space for us to conduct our business
I love my library because it plays such an active role in our community! Pueblo library has beautiful libraries and a wonderful selection of books, but it doesn’t stop there! The Pueblo library provides activities of all kinds, – lectures, meeting rooms, book clubs, computers, ebooks, hoopla, story hours, All Pueblo Reads, chautauquas, arts and crafts, yoga, Lego building, maker space, community movies, musical concerts, genealogy, computer classes, . . .and more. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate! The Pueblo library staff is amazing! I invite anyone in the area to visit our libraries; you will love them!
Pueblo City-County Public Library meets the needs of every person in Pueblo. They offer lots of great programs, like the quarterly PechaKucha program where eight local members give a presentation with 20 slides on a subject of their choice, writing contests open to any one, and programs for kids of all ages. There is always something going on at the Library.
I LOVE my library because it offers programs for the entire community. From Genealogy to Makers Fairs to cultural education and activities to Pecha Kucha nights, from children’s movies to foreign film nights to programs celebrating and promoting local authors our library is tops!
The Pueblo City-County Library Districts provides free programming for people of all-ages and interests! Also, the Pueblo library holds many wonderful memories for me!
Pueblo’s library is so much more than “just books”. The library provides access to computers and technology, including a 3-d printer for public use as part of its makerspace and idea factory program. The library includes an interactive news museum, and movie nights for adults, children, and families. The Pueblo Library also serves the business community. They partner with the small business development center, business technology center and Pueblo Economic Development Corporation, and What an amazing community asset!
The staff at all branches are super helpful. I’ve been getting books delivered from other branches and via inter-library loans and the periodic programs are superb, like history nights at the Greenhorn Valley branch of the Pueblo County library system.
Our library system is a significant part of our community. Developing and operating education and outreach to such a diverse population speaks to the determination of the staff and a commitment to the ideals of the library system as a whole
Pueblo built itself from an industrial city into an artistic, worldly, fascinating community, their dedication to knowledge and community in this library is just the icing on the cake!
Because the have wonderful story times for toddlers and children throughput the District, the summer reading activities are great and All Pueblo Reads every fall is AMAZING!!!
My love is researching local history – and the helpful and expert people and the resources in the Pueblo library are outstanding. The people are willing to go the extra mile to help. Plus I love attend the genealogy and historical and computer sessions offered at the library. Then I head to an upper floor to see the latest exhibits.The people working there seem to love their library and their city and are long-time employees. Because of their new branches there seems to be excitement in the air encouraging repeat visits to see what is happening. Their monthly newsletter is colorful and full of upcoming events.
Pueblo Libraries have everything for everybody. They are an integral part of the community and culture of our area, welcoming all the diversity in ages, ethnicity, backgrounds, beliefs and economic levels.
Our Pueblo Library is truly the source of cultural development for southern Colorado. There is consistently offering of national recognition as well as community-centric resources. The venue(s) are amazing in architecture and amenities. We are so very blessed to have these facilities, administrators and employees.
With seven main branches spread all across Pueblo, there’s always something exciting going on. The Escape Room at Giodone, the Renaissance fair out at Pueblo West, even regular robotics programs that teach kids how to code. The buildings themselves are beautiful, too, and the staff really care about people.
Our library is invested in the community of Pueblo, providing programs and activities for all ages. They provide many services, and are actively committed to helping the citizens of Pueblo.
It might be small, but it is strong. In a diversely poor community the library gives options for entertainment, social events, community outreach reach, activities, feeds children and offers an alternative to gang life. It’s a home away from home. Pueblo would be a really sad place without the county wide system.
The architecture is very modern. The vaulted ceilings and large windows provide for a wonderful reading environment. When my children were younger, the children’s section was a place we visited often. Not because I would suggest it but because my kids would want to visit. We spent MANY hours enjoying books, puppets, computer games, etc.
It is convenient and I am able to find what I am looking for at this library very easily. The people who work there are always so helpful and there is always something to do there. I think it is the best library.
Pueblo Library is an educational gem! The library also makes learning fun for everyone. Besides the books, music, and magazines in paper and electronic format, there are many informational and enjoyable classes and presentations ongoing every day for children, teens, and adults. Everyone in Pueblo benefits from our library in one way or another.
They have EVERYTHING! books of course, tapes, movies, various classes, 3D printers, a maker space, kids programs, adult literacy outreach, and much much more. We are truly blessed!
I love Pueblo Library because the staff makes everyone feel welcome and offers a wide variety of programs so everyone can find something to get excited about.
The Pueblo Library branches are very committed to serving their public. They order all books I have ever requested. They have great maker-spaces, amazing and compelling programming for all ages, community education and outreach programs, and are amazing community gathering places.
At the Pueblo library there are many meeting rooms that are excellent for small ,group ,meetings in addition for larger group meetings. There is plenty of parking at the Pueblo library. In addition, the Pueblo library is easily accessible being away from the ‘downtown’ corridor.
The Library hosts fabulous events here in Pueblo! We are able to have everything from travelling Smithsonian exhibits to author visits to Tibetan monks making real-time sand mandalas to learning how to knit and create a bullet journal – there is something for everyone — so awesome!
I love our Pueblo Library for so many reasons, but a couple of my favorites are the All Pueblo Reads program and the Leadership Institute!
Our library has an amazing variety of events for my son. Every library has storytime, but our library has crafts, story character visits, game times, and so much more. We’re so lucky to have such a great library!
Not only is it a beautiful facility, but it has a great selection of books and media. Not to mention, all of the staff are very friendly and helpful! I love Pueblo and our library!
Historical shows, vast array of books, computers for public use, and the friendliest staff always there to assist.
I love our library in Pueblo, CO because it has always been very inviting, well stocked with everything imaginable to uplift, encourage learning and enhance a better quality of life.
A great environment for my daughter. Great selection of media and books. Spread out in different floors. My daughter loves going to the library.
Pueblo is a smaller city with big social hurdles. Our library is not just beautiful, it’s the place where people can go to write their resume, learn ASL, reach friends and family through social media, and find their next favorite book. It’s a hub of social well-being.
The library is a place where our community comes together—low-income and upper class, families seeking enrichment for their kids in the STEAM classes, exploring new ideas in Pecha Kucha evenings, art exhibits from local artists, to October “all-Pueblo reads” events. This is much more than just a place to check out books.
This library has become a notable pillar of the community. It portrays the changes the city of Pueblo has gone through! A true monument of beauty for many generations to come.
There is something for everyone at the Pueblo Library. There is year round programming to enrich all of our lives. During the summer, the library is integrally involved in keeping children positively involved. There are always great programs that are entertaining and intellectually stimulating for all ages. They are so very helpful in any undertaking. I love my library!
I love the history of Pueblo that is infused into the actual structure of the library. Steel is a huge part of Pueblo’s history and was included in a valuable part of the city’s identity. I appreciate all the resources that the Pueblo library gives to the community.
Over the past few years Pueblo County Library has not only retained great books but has expanded it’s multimedia sections and has done a tremendous job in engaging our community. It’s the best library there is. I know it. You know it. Everyone knows it.