As we prepare for the ELGL & ICMA joint event at the ICMA Conference we want to get to know attendees. Respondents will describe the current state of local government, their mentors, ways to strengthen local government, and of course, their dream six-pack. Today we hear from Dan Weinheimer of Fort Collins, CO.
Raise Your Hand If You’re Going “Back to the Future” with ELGL and ICMA.
Previous Profiles: Tamara Lynn Schaps, Evans School of Public Affairs, Director of Career Services, Eric Norenberg, Oberlin (OH) City Manager,Joe Casey, Henrico County, VA, Deputy County Manager, Jason Escareno, San Mateo County, CA, Ann Janda, Milton, VT.
Dan Weinheimer
Policy & Project Manager – City of Fort Collins, CO
Twitter: @danwein
Name your career mentors.
Linda Kelly, Town Manager, Windsor, CA.
Darin Atteberry, City Manager, Fort Collins, CO.
Ray Patchett, former City Manager, Carlsbad, CA.
Describe the current state of local government.
This is an exciting time for local government. Successful cities are no longer the islands that they once were – they’re finding ways to bring more people into governing. Regional collaboration, convening stakeholders instead of going it alone, constant measurement, and transparency are the names of the game. Local government has a unique position in creating “community” but cities have realized that they cannot place-make or move tough social issues alone.
During her presidency, Bonnie Svrcek encouraged ICMA members to do “Just One Thing” for the organization. What’s “just one thing” local government professionals can do to strengthen local government?
Mentor. Current and future local government leaders need a well-rounded experience and many perspectives, a good “kitchen cabinet” is invaluable at any stage in a career.
In keeping with the beer tasting theme, tell us what we’d find in your ideal six pack.
Benefitting from living in two beer meccas – San Diego and Fort Collins – I lean heavily on those areas:
- Odell Brewing St. Lupulin,
- Odell Brewing IPA,
- Stone Brewing IPA,
- Stone Brewing Arrogant Bastard,
- Pateros Creek Brewing’s Rattlesnake Jack (blackberry chipotle – surprisingly good!), and
- Odell Brewing Fifty-Niner.