Quinn Cole

No. 2

2024 Top Influencers in Local Government

Quinn Cole

Management Analyst | City of Topeka, KS | LinkedIn

Quinn Cole connects public servants across departments, professions, and jurisdictions.

Quinn is a rising leader whose influence on local government extends beyond the City of Topeka, where serves as a management analyst. Within the city, she bridges barriers across departments and seeks connections in others’ work with a positive, inquisitive approach. Her impact is felt when she introduces new hires or looks for ways departments can collaborate. 

Within city government, she is a dependable peer and a strong supporter of community events. 

Quinn spearheaded the city’s audit of processes within the finance, planning, public works, departments to enhance services and make economic development easier. Colleagues describe her as a curious, outside-the-box thinker who asks questions when she wants to learn more, and who is not afraid to share opinions. 

Quinn is supportive of women in public service careers, advocates for women's rights, and consistently seeks ways to elevate women’s voices. At the City of Topeka, she worked alongside the organization’s diversity, equity, and inclusion committee to find ways to better engage with young people and foster a sense of belonging across the agency.

Quinn is known for a sense of humor that lights up a room and brings joy to discussions that can otherwise feel difficult and tedious.

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